Saturday, May 30, 2009

Is it cheating if you don't get caught? Performance Enhancing drugs comments by Danika Patrick

Well, this article leaves me a bit befuttled, and I'm glad when you agree to get married there isn't a clause that states, well, it's not cheating if you don't get caught.

Does the standard for cheating in sports using performance enhancing drugs only count if you get caught? I hope these athletes and other cheaters realize in the end they will be judged and while maybe some people don't know, there is always someone who does. Are that many athletes really willing to stoop this low? It's sad.

Please read this article posted on my favorite running blog, Down the Backstretch, and if you are so inclined, give me your thoughts. The quick recap is: Danica Patrick, in Sports Illustrated, is asked by reporter Dan Patrick: "If you could take a performance enhancing drug and not get caught, would you do it if it allowed you to win Indy?" Her reply was: "Well it's not cheating, is it, if nobody finds out?" He followed up with: "So, would you do it?" She answered: "Yeah, it would be like finding a gray area. In motor sports we work in the gray areas a lot. You're trying to find where the holes are in the rule book."

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